if not shows IP till you assign IP address on lAN setup the you input IP here manually
[root@localhost named] ifup eth0
[root@localhost named] ifdown eth0 ( now you gets IP )
[root@localhost named] top ( to see recent process )
[root@localhost named] vim /etc/inittab
we can select run level by default here.
To create link between two files.
[root@localhost named] ln filename filename ( hard link)
[root@localhost named] ln -il filename ( to see inode )
[root@localhost named] ln -s filename filename ( to soft link)
[root@localhost named] tail /etc/group ( to query a group)
[root@localhost named] passwd -d username ( change password)
[root@localhost named] fdisk -l ( to see windows disk both)
[root@localhost named] shutdown -h 10 ( to shutdown pc after 10 minutes )