Drive Automount
root@localhost named] vim /etc/auto.master
/misc /etc/auto.misc
copy the above line & edit like as the following --
/mountpoint to misc /etc/
such as /momin /etc/
root@localhost named] vim /etc/
* -fstype=nfs serverIP:/data (source) /test (mount point)
root@localhost named] service autofs restart
root@localhost named] cd /test
root@localhost named] ls ( to see)
create more than one user at a single command
root@localhost named] vim myusers1
type here ----
"for u in u1 u2 u3 u4"
useradd $u
echo 123| passwd --stdir $u
passwd $u ( when he will first log in then he input a password that is his password)
save & exit
[root@localhost named] sh myusers1 (run this command)